• 일 시 : 2009년 4월 24일(금) - 25일(토)
• 장 소 : 백범김구기념관(The Kim Koo Museum & Library) |
제29차 대한중환자의학회 정기 학술대회 및 |
제9차 한일중환자의학회 통합학술대회 |
April 24 (Friday), 2009 (Day 1) |
컨벤션홀(Convention Hall) |
08:00 - 08:35 |
등록 (Hall) |
08:35 - 08:50 |
고윤석 (대한중환자의학회 회장) |
08:50 - 10:20 |
심포지움 I. Update on mechanical ventilation
좌장: 이국현 (서울의대) |
Lung protective strategy
임채만 (울산의대) |
When should we use the prone position?
김순종 (건국의대) |
Intrinsic PEEP and the management of COPD and asthma
김제형 (고려의대) |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
심포지움 II. Neurocritical care
좌장: 백승완 (부산의대), 조헌 (동국의대) |
10:40 - 11:00 |
Neurotrauma update
백선하 (서울의대) |
11:00 - 11:20 |
Endovascular treatment in neurocritical patients
신용삼 (가톨릭의대) |
11:20 - 11:40 |
Seizures in the ICU
황성희 (한림의대) |
11:40 - 12:10 |
Sepsis and the Brain
Satish Bhagwanjee (University of the Witwatersrand) |
12:10 - 12:50 |
Luncheon Session I
좌장: 유희구 (한양의대) |
Severe Pulmonary Infectious Disease in Relation to New Action of Neutrophil Elastase
Akitoshi Ishizaka (Keio University) |
12:50 - 13:20 |
총회 |
연수강좌 |
13:30 - 14:00 |
Emerging infections in the ICU
기현균 (건국의대) |
14:00 - 14:30 |
What is acute kidney injury?
김범석 (연세의대) |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Management of pain and sedation in the Pediatric ICU
박준동 (서울의대) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Coffee Break(Hall) |
15:20 - 15:50 |
Recognition and management of endocrine problems in acute critical illness
서지영 (성균관의대) |
15:50 - 16: 20 |
Management of ischemic heart disease in the ICU
정명호 (전남의대) |
16:20 - 16:50 |
Ventilator-associated pneumonia: diagnosis, management and prevention
유철규 (서울의대) |
April 24 (Friday), 2009 (Day 1) |
대회의실(Large Conference Room) |
08:00 - 08:35 |
등록 (Hall) |
08:50 - 10:20 |
Free Paper |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
10:40 - 12:10 |
Joint Congress Free Paper |
12:10 - 12:50 |
Luncheon Session II
좌장: 전종헌 (한양의대) |
SmartCare and protocolized care
Christian Putensen (Bonn University) |
13:30 - 14:15 |
Plenary Lecture I
좌장: 박영철 (고려의대) |
Reducing mortality in sepsis: The results of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign
Mitchell Levy (Brown University) |
14:15 - 15:00 |
Plenary Lecture II
좌장: 이영주 (아주의대) |
Sepsis: the first 24 hours
Satish Bhagwanjee (University of the Witwatersrand) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
15:20 - 17:20 |
심포지움 III. Advance in sepsis
좌장: 김진모 (계명의대), 고신옥(연세의대) |
Hemodynamic resuscitation in sepsis
오범진 (울산의대) |
Vasoactive drugs in septic shock
김동찬 (전북의대) |
Tight glycemic control still is relevant?
Moritoki Egi (Okayama University) |
Biomarkers for risk assessment in sepsis
Mitchell Levy (Brown Univrsity) |
18:00 - |
만찬 |
April 24 (Friday), 2009 (Day 1) |
제1교육장 |
08:00 - 08:35 |
등록 (Hall) |
09:00 - 10:20 |
Poster Session I
좌장:신증수 (연세의대) |
P-01 |
중환자실에 입실한 노인환자 연령군별 특성에 관한 연구
김세라 (서울아산병원) |
P-02 |
In-Hospital Mortality of Octogenarians with Acute Myocardial Infarction Admitted to Coronary Care Unit
Suk Hyun Lee, Myung Ho Jeong, Sung Soo Kim, Doo Sun Sim, Mi won Yeo, Eun Suk Shin, Eun Sook Lee (Chonnam National University Hospital) |
P-03 |
Influence of Body Mass Index on Critical Care Morbidity and Mortality
So Yeon Lim, Hae Sung Park, Yon Ju Ryu, Jin Hwa Lee, Eun Mi Chun, Jung Hyun Chang (Ewha Womans University School of Medicine) |
P-04 |
The clinical outcome in patients who had experienced in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) by underlying disease
Yujung Shin, Hyunsuk Seo, Juhee Oh, Chae-Man Lim, Younsuck Koh, Sang-Bum Hong (Asan Medical Center) |
P-05 |
The clinical outcome in patients who transferred to ICU after medical emergency team activation
HYUN-SUK SEO, YUJUNG SHIN, Chae-Man Lim, Younsuck Koh, Sang-Bum Hong (Asan Medical Center) |
P-06 |
ABO 부적합 수혈에 대한 임상적 고찰
안태훈, 정종달, 유병식, 소금영, 임경준, 조남수 (조선대학교 의학전문대학원) |
P-07 |
Is Non-Cardiac Surgery Safe After Drug-Eluting Stent implantation?
Chong Won Sung,Jae-Hun Jung,Jung Rae Cho,Seonghoon Choi, Namho Lee (Hallym University Medical Center) |
P-08 |
개심술 후 BIS 점수와 발관시간의 비교: remifentanil-based와 sevoflurane-sufentanyl combined regimen
김양렬, 성태윤, 김성협, 윤태균, 김태엽, 김준석, 지현근, 신재균, 송명근 (건국의대) |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
제1교육장 |
10:40 - 12:00 |
Poster Session II
좌장: 권재영 (부산의대) |
P-09 |
Postoperative seizure after sevoflurane anesthesia - a case report
김상훈, 소금영, 정종달, 유병식, 임경준, 이현영 (조선의대) |
P-10 |
수술 직후 발생한 악성 고열 증례
구자경,김철홍,현인규,권세아,박지영,이순재 (한림의대) |
P-11 |
복강경하 담낭절제 수술후 발생한 심방세동
소금영, 정종달, 유병식, 임경준, 안태훈, 김상훈 (조선의대) |
P-12 |
신생아 중환자실에서 미숙아의 동맥관결찰술을 위한 마취 경험
조중운, 정지선,한민규, 정미애, 김동원, 전종헌, 김교상, 서정국, 유희구 (한양의대) |
P-13 |
우하횡경막동맥-폐동맥 문합부위의 가성동맥류로 인한 객혈로 색전술 후 성공한 예
박현웅, 이고은, 박용성, 손지웅, 최유진, 나문준, 권선중(건양의대) |
P-14 |
경동맥내막절제술 후에 발생한 총경동맥 내막박리 1례
이세진, 이준, 노현두 (영남의대) |
P-15 |
광범위한 뇌병변을 동반한 저혈당성 뇌증 1 예
빈창훈,박민수,이준 (영남의대) |
P-16 |
길랑바레증후군이 동반된 Bickerstaff 뇌줄기뇌염에서 나타난 심한 자율신경기능이상
노현두, 이세진, 박민수 (영남의대) |
April 24 (Friday), 2009 (Day 1) |
제2 교육장 |
08:00 - 08:35 |
등록 (Hall) |
08:50 - 12:10 |
Lecture and Workshop |
Lecture: Interventional procedures in the ICU (percutaneous tracheostomy, chest thoracostomy, percutaneous gastrostomy)
Kenji Inaba (University of Southern California) |
Workshop: Interventional procedures in the ICU (percutaneous tracheostomy, chest thoracostomy, percutaneous gastrostomy)
Kenji Inaba (University of Southern California) |
April 24 (Friday), 2009 (Day 1) |
제2 교육장 |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Free Paper I
좌장: 이병호 (가톨릭의대) |
FP-01 |
한 대학병원에서 Medical Alert Team 12개월 운영결과
서현숙 · 신유정 · 고윤석· 임채만· 홍상범 (서울아산병원) |
FP-02 |
초기대응시스템 : 일개 전문종합요양기관의 경험
원선영,전경만,박소영,정정희,위미숙,조수현,남지명,서지영 (삼성서울병원) |
FP-03 |
중환자실 환경에서 블루투스 기반 무선심전도장치를 이용한 심전도 전송에 관한 연구
홍성엽, 이장영, 양희범, 박경남, 서상원 (을지대학병원) |
FP-04 |
Validation of the SAPS 3 admission score in an East Asian country
So Yeon Lim, Cho Rom Ham, So Young Park, Kyeongman Jeon, Gee Young Suh (Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine) |
FP-05 |
일개대학병원에서 응급의학과 의사에 의해 중독환자를 대상으로 시행된 지속적신대체요법
민영기, 조영신, 최상천, 이영주 (아주의대) |
FP-06 |
지속적 신대체요법을 적용한 환자에서의 예후에 미치는 요인 분석
서민정, 최앵자, 이정은, 서지영, 조용애 (삼성서울병원) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Coffee Break(Hall) |
April 24 (Friday), 2009 (Day 1) |
제2 교육장 |
15:20 - 17:00 |
Joint Congress Free Paper I
Chairperson: Sung Oh Hwang (Yonsei University), Keiichi Tada(Hiroshima City Hospital) |
IS-00 |
Crisis of emergency medical service of the city of Ichihara-not
an exception but an example
Nobuo Fuke, Hidetoshi Shiga, Masatomo Yamashita, Taketo Yokoi,Yoichi Koda (Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center) |
IS-01 |
Implementing a sepsis team and standardized protocol education in severe sepsis and septic shock management: a preliminary report
Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Hyoung Gon Song, Kyeongman Jeon, Gee Young Suh (Samsung Medical Center) |
IS-02 |
Medical student training in intensive care unit using SOFA and VAS scaling
Naoko Inami, Fumimasa Amaya, Koji Hosokawa, Nobuaki Shime, Satoru Hashimoto (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) |
IS-03 |
Critical Care Physician’s Attitude and Practice in End-of-life Care Decisions in Korea and Japan
Shin Ok Koh, So Yoon Kim, Hyun Hee Kang (Yonsei University College of Medicine), Younsuck Koh (University of Ulsan College of Medicine), Hiroyuki Hirasawa (Chiba University College of Medicine) |
IS-04 |
Cadaveric Organ Donors Management: A 7-Year Single Center Clinical Experience
Sung Shin, Suk-kyung Hong. (Asan Medical Center) |
IS-05 |
New-Onset Persistent Sinus Tachycardia in the Intensive Care Unit
Sunghoon Park. M.D., Ki-Suck Jung, M.D., Dong-Gyu Kim, M.D., Seung Hun Jang, M.D., Yong Il Hwang, M.D. (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital) |
IS-06 |
Transillumination method for peripheral venous cannulation in pediatrics; a randomized control trial
Koji Hosokawa, Nobuaki Shime, Hideya Kato, Chiharu Kishi, Yoko Kato, Satoru Hashimoto (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) |
IS-07 |
Higher vancomycin trough level (>15 mg/dL) is associated with an increased incidence of nephrotoxicity
Jong Wook Kim, Sang-Bum Hong (Asan Medical Center) |
IS-08 |
Successful Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in Liver Transplantation Patients
Suk-Kyung Hong, NK Choi1, S Hwang1, KW Song, DH Jung, SG Lee (Asan Medical Center) |
IS-09 |
Establishment and full course management of Percutaneous Extra-corporeal life support system in ICU setting
Kilsoo Yie, Chan Young Na, Sam Se Oh, Jae Hyun Kim, Se Min Ryu, Sung Jun Jo, Byung Yul Jo, Yong Hun Kim, Bong Gi Lee (Kangwon National University) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
컨벤션홀(Convention Hall) |
08:20 - 08:50 |
등록(Hall) |
08:50 - 10:20 |
심포지움 IV. ICU nursing session
좌장: 이순행(서울아산병원) |
Safety care for the ICU patients
김정연(세브란스병원 외과계중환자실파트장) |
Infection control in the ICU
손명희(고대안산병원 내과계중환자실수간호사) |
Environmental and personnel safety in the ICU
최경옥(강남성모병원 중환자간호팀장) |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
10:40 - 12:10 |
심포지움 V. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
좌장: 공명훈 (고려의대) |
Venous thromboembolism in the ICU
권재영 (부산의대) |
Assessment and management of pulmonary embolism
손장원 (한양의대) |
Approach to prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism
곽상현 (전남의대) |
12:10 - 13:00 |
Luncheon Session III
좌장: 박재현 (서울의대) |
Introduction of remifentanil in the ICU
Wolfram Wilhelm (Saarland University) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
컨벤션홀(Convention Hall) |
13:30 - 14:15 |
Plenary Lecture III
좌장: 고윤석 (울산의대) |
Lung Recruitment in ALI/ARDS
Luciano Gattinoni ( The University of Milan) |
14:15 - 15:00 |
Plenary Lecture IV
좌장: 이경민 (건국의대) |
New pathophysiological Understanding Based on Superoxide Radical Monitoring
Tsuyoshi Maekawa (Yamaguchi University) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
15:20 - 17:20 |
심포지움 VI. Weaning from mechanical ventilation
좌장: 정성수 (전남의대), 김영균 (가톨릭의대) |
Spontaneous breathing trials
Masaji Nishimura (Tokushima University) |
Tracheostomy: Is it helpful for liberation from mechanical ventilation?
나성원 (연세의대) |
Special considerations: COPD and asthma
김재열 (중앙의대) |
PEEP adjustment and ventilator weaning
Luciano Gattinoni (The University of Milan ) |
The 9th Joint Scientific Congress of the KSCCM and JSICM |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
Large Conference Room |
09:00 - 09:10 |
Opening Ceremony
President (Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine)
President (Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine) |
09:10 - 09:20 |
Memorial moment for Dr. Jun Takezawa
Ms. Liu Takezawa |
Joint Congress Symposium (Fever in the ICU) |
09:20 - 10:40 |
Joint Congress Symposium I : Approach to Fever in the ICU
Chairperson: Shin Ok Koh (Yonsei University), Tsuyoshi Maekawa (Yamaguchi University ) |
Clinical meaning of fever and hypothermia in the ICU (Dr. Jun Takezawa Memorial Lecture 1)
Younsuck Koh (Ulsan University) |
Monitoring and approach to new fever in the ICU (Dr. Jun Takezawa Memorial Lecture 2)
Kimitake Tajimi (Akita University Faculty of Medicine) |
The systemic review of study to impact of fever in the ICU ? Is it a foe or a friend?
Joong Eui Rhee (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) |
Joint study of KSCCM and JSICM for the fever in the ICU
Moritoki Egi (Okayama University Faculty of Medicine) |
10:40 - 11:00 |
Coffee Break(Hall) |
11:00 - 12:20 |
Joint Congress Symposium II : Causes of Fever in the ICU
Chairperson: Byung Ho Lee (Catholic University), Hiroyuki Hirasawa (Chiba University) |
Non-infectious causes of fever in the ICU
Jae-Kwan Cha (Dong-A University) |
Ventilator associated pneumonia (Infectious cause-1)
Nobuaki Shime (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) |
Catheter-related sepsis (Infectious cause-2)
Kyong Ran Peck (Sungkyunkwan University) |
Urinary tract infection(infectious cause-3)
Kentaroh Dote (Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine) |
Invitation to 2010 Joint Congress of KSCCM & JSICM (Hiroshima, Japan)
Keiichi Tada, the President of 2010 JSICM |
Japanese Chairperson
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
대회의실(Large Conference Room) |
12:20 - 13:00 |
Luncheon Session IV
좌장: 홍성진 (가톨릭의대) |
Mechanical and pharmacological inhibition of inflammatory cytokines: Continuous hemodiafiltration and Ulinastatin
Susumu Ishikawa (Teikyo University) |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Joint Congress Free Paper II
Chairperson: Sang Chul Lee (Seoul National University), Nobuo Fuke (Teikyo University) |
IS-10 |
Is CT angiographic surveillance valuable for prevention of tracheoinnominate artery fistula?
Jae Hoon Sung, Il Sup Kim, Seung Ho Yang, Jae Taek Hong, Byung Chul Son, Sang Won Lee (Catholic University College of Medicine) |
IS-11 |
Radial to femoral arterial blood pressure differences in septic shock patients receiving high doses norepinephrine therapy
Wonyoung, Kim, Jonghun, Jun, Sangbum, Hong, Cheaman, Lim, Younseok, Ko (Asan Medical Center) |
IS-12 |
Difficult Management of a Patient Complicated by Prolonged Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy
Kameda W , Sakai H, Iwata H,Miyazaki I,Muraoka A,Igarashi K, Okazaki A, Miyakuni Y (Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital) |
IS-13 |
Calorie and protein intake of the critically ill patients requiring continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit
Hosun Lee, Moo Suk Park, Sungwon Na, Shin Ok Koh (Yonsei University College of Medicine) |
IS-14 |
Discrepancy between Soluble fibrin and D-dimer in elderly patients with femoral neck fracture
Kamiyama T, Sakai H, Kameda W, Nishihara H (Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital) |
IS-15 |
Hypertonic Mechano-protection in Alveolar Epithelial cells
Heung-Bum Lee, Seoung-Ju Park, So-Ri Kim, Moon Hee, Hyo-Jin Han, Young-Chul Lee, Yang-Keun Rhee1 (Chonbuk National University Medical School), RD Hubmayr (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine) |
IS-16 |
Urinary Trypsin Inhibitors Afford Cardioprotective Effects by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore via MAPKs and Akt Activation
Seok J. Kim, Kyung Y. Yoo, Cheol W. Jeong, Hong B. Bae, Sang H. Kwak,Mei Li (Chonnam National University Medical School) |
IS-17 |
Measurement and Analysis about Semi-Quantitative Procalcitonin Measurement Kit PCT-Q
Takamitsu Kodama, Haruaki Wakatake, Machi Yanai, Shigeki Fujitani (St. MARIANNA University) |
IS-18 |
The value of Procalcitonin, HMGB-1, and SAPS score in the discrimination of infectious and non-infectious fever in the ICU - a prospective, cohort study
Eun Ju Jeon, M.D., Hye Min Lee, M.D., Sung Gun Cho, M.D., Hyung Koo Kang, M.D., Hee Won Kwak, M.D., Jae Woo Jung, M.D., Jae Chol Choi, M.D., Jong Wook Shin, M.D., In Won Park, M.D., Byoung Whui Choi, M.D., Jae Yeol Kim, M.D. (Chung-Ang University College of Medicine) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
15:20 - 16:00 |
Special Lecture I
좌장: 신증수 (연세의대) |
Collaboration in Asian Intensive Care
Charles Gomersall (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
16:00 - 16:40 |
Special Lecture II
좌장: 권오정 (성균관의대) |
Innovation and the Future of Critical Care Medicine
Bruce Gingles |
16:40 - 17:20 |
Special Lecture III
좌장: 윤석화 (충남의대) |
Analgesia and sedation-current concept
Wolfram Wilhelm (University of Muenster) |
17:20 - 18:00 |
Special lecture IV
좌장: 임채만 (울산의대) |
The role of ACE2 in the pathogenesis of ALI: a therapeutic perspective
Ymiko Imai (Akita University) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
제1교육장 |
08:20 - 08:50 |
등록 (Hall) |
09:00 - 10:20 |
Poster Session III
좌장: 전종헌 (한양의대) |
P-17 |
한국인 혈액투석 환자에서 내경정맥의 해부학적 위치의 다양성에 대한 연구
원유동, 김현경, 김영수, 윤선애, 김영옥 (가톨릭의대) |
P-18 |
혈액투석 환자에서 중심정맥도관과 관련된 우심방내 거대 감염성 혈전증
이보희, 김현경, 김영수, 윤선애, 김영옥 (가톨릭의대) |
P-19 |
Retroesophageal right subclavian artery-esophageal fistula due to nasogastric tube-case report-
Hwang Jung Joo MD; Kim Do Hyung MD; Lee Jun Wan MD; Kim Kil Dong MD (Eulji University Hospital) |
P-20 |
중증 급성췌장염 환자에서 급성신부전증의 발생빈도와 임상경과에 대한 연구
김현경, 김영수, 김병수, 송호철, 윤선애, 김영옥 (가톨릭의대) |
P-21 |
일회용 주사기를 이용한 기관내튜브의 새로운 기낭 팽창법의 유용성
김덕경, 이경민, 성태윤, 이준희 (건국의대) |
P-22 |
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE)의 내독소에 의한 RAW264.7 세포의 활성화에 미치는 효과
윤영철,리매,배홍범,김석재,정철원,곽상현 (전남대학교 의과대학) |
P-23 |
Osmotic Effects On Lysosomal Exocytosis And ATP Effects On Injured PM Resealing In Alveolar Epithelial Cells
Heung-Bum Lee1, Seoung-Ju Park, So-Ri Kim, Moon-Hee, Hyo-Jin Han, Young-Chul Lee, Yang-Keun Rhee (Chonbuk National University Medical School), RD Hubmayr (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine) |
P-24 |
Immunocompetent 환자에서 Scedosporium apiospermum 에 의한 폐렴 1예
김유진, 김세현, 전수연,이상표, 박정웅,정성환, 경선영 (가천의대) |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
제1교육장 |
10:40 - 12:10 |
Poster Session IV 좌장: 김동찬 (전북의대) |
P-25 |
Successful Control of an Outbreak of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) without Closing the ICUs
최원석, 김수현, 전은경, 손명희, 윤영경, 김정연, 김미정, 손장욱, 김민자, 박대원 (고려의대) |
P-26 |
폐렴, 급성호흡곤란증후군으로 오인되어 Levofloxacin 투여 후 호전되어진단이 지연된 속립성 결핵 1예
이고은, 권미혜, 조영준, 손지웅, 최유진, 나문준, 권선중 (건양의대) |
P-27 |
Effects of systemic steroid in patients with severe community acquired pneumonia requiring
mechanical ventilation
Gyu Rak Chon (Konkuk university), Chae-Man Lim1, Younsuck Koh, Sang-Bum Hong (Asan medical center) |
P-28 |
결핵으로 오인한 MRSA환자에서 급격한 임상악화 치험 1례
김창수. 이석우. 조평래 (해동병원) |
P-29 |
Effects of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure on Hepatic Venous Outflow:
Conventional vs Protective Ventilation Strategy
Joo-Eun Kang, MD, Y. Kim, MD, T. Seong, MD, Seong-Hyop Kim, MD PhD, Tae-Gyoon Yoon, MD PhD, Tae-Yop Kim, MD PhD (Konkuk University School of Medicine) |
P-30 |
Effect of sevoflurane on ventilator induced lung injury
김상훈 (조선의대), 곽상현, 배홍범, 김석재, 정철원,리매 (전남의대) |
P-31 |
천식 증상을 처음 경험한 9세 남아에서 발생한 점액전에 의한 왼쪽 폐 전체의 완전한 허탈
강현주, 최윤정, 이윤희, 윤종서, 이준성 (가톨릭의대) |
P-32 |
Plasma Levels of N-Terminal Pro B-Type Natriuretic Peptide after Lobectomy in Patients with Pulmonary Diseases
Hyun Koo Kim, Yeo Jin Seo, Du-Young Kang, Young Ho Choi (Korea University) |
P-33 |
심전도를 이용한 좌전하방 관상동맥 폐쇄 위치 진단법간의 정확도 비교
박태진, 윤재철, 오범진, 김원 (서울아산병원) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
제2 교육장 |
08:20 - 08:50 |
등록 (Hall) |
09:00 - 10:00 |
Free Paper II
좌장: 김시오 (경북의대) |
FP-07 |
자발 호흡을 하는 성인 쇼크환자에서 수액소생술에 따른 혈역학적 변화와 맥박 산소 측정기를 이용한 혈량 파형의 진폭 변이도 조사
박요섭, 고재욱, 정상원, 문동석, 김인병 (관동대학교 의과대학) |
FP-08 |
응급센터에 내원한 저혈압 환자에서 4시간 후에 측정한 젖산염과 교정된 음이온차이(corrAG)의 예후적 가치
박득현, 조현영, 김동언, 이성실, 신태용, 김영식, 하영록 (분당제생병원) |
FP-09 |
Early goal directed therapy in Severance Hospital
나성원,유영철,고신옥 (연세의대) |
FP-10 |
소아환자의 탈수 정도 평가에 있어서 초음파를 이용한 하대정맥과 복부대동맥의 비율 측정의 유용성
김준수, 이영근, 박득현, 조현영, 신태용, 김영식, 하영록 (분당제생병원) |
FP-11 |
Effect of dobutamine, glucose-insulin-potassium, and thyroid hormone in reversible heart failure in brain death -case report-
나성원, 김소연, 유영철, 조광래1, 윤태진2, 장은지3, 고신옥 (연세의대, 인제의대1, 서울 아산병원2, 서울 아산병원 선천성 심장병센터3) |
FP-12 |
Extracorporeal life support: Experience in a single center pediatric ICU
박정준, 윤태진, 장원경, 박혜진, 엄주연, 이영화, 서동만, 박성종 (서울아산병원) |
10:20 - 10:40 |
Coffee Break(Hall) |
10:40 - 11:40 |
Free Paper III
좌장: 이수일 (동아의대) |
FP-13 |
신경계중환자실에서 적극적 감시배양과 탈집락 방법을 통한 MRSA관리
손희정, 서의교, 이미애, 정선영, 최희정, 현석경 (이화여자대학교 의료원) |
FP-14 |
Delayed neurologic injury after subtotal hysterectomy due to massive postpartum bleeding
박희평, 이상철, 양희준 (서울의대) |
FP-15 |
Clinical characteristics of Pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage found in patients with successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest
민영기, 안정환, 조영신 (아주대학교 의과대학) |
FP-16 |
Pierre-Robin 증후군 신생아에서 기관내 튜브를 통한 Ambu-bagging시 발생한 양측 긴장성 기흉
양정우, 안태훈, 정종달, 유병식, 소금영, 임경준, 조남수 (조선의대) |
FP-17 |
Rebound hyperthermia after cessation of mild therapeutic hypothermia in patient with successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest
민영기, 이정주, 최상천, 조영신, 이영주 (아주의대) |
FP-18 |
족배동맥의 경피도관후 발생한 족부괴사
안태훈,정종달,유병식,소금영,임경준,조남수 (조선의대) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
제2 교육장 |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Free Paper IV
좌장: 곽상현 (전남의대) |
FP-19 |
Regional expression of MAPK Phosphatase 1 (MKP1, DUSP1) is altered in Prone vs. Supine Overdistension Lung Injury
SC Kim1,2, JH Cho3, QB He1, YK Kim2, RK Albert1,4 and IS Douglas1,4 (U. Colorado1, Catholic University of Korea2, Inha University3, Denver Health MC4) |
FP-20 |
Can Serum Bilirubin Predict Short-term Prognosis in Patients with Acute Pulmonary Edema?
이종석, 최한성, 홍훈표, 고영관 (경희의대) |
FP-21 |
폐절제술 후 발생한 폐손상 환자에서 Neutrophil Elastase inhibitor에 대한 연구
박소영,박성훈1, 전경만, 엄상원, 고원중, 정만표, 김호중, 권오정, 서지영 (삼성서울병원, 한림대학교 의과대학1) |
FP-22 |
외과계 중환자실에서의 비침습환기의 적용
이병철, 홍석경 (서울아산병원) |
FP-23 |
급성폐손상 및 급성호흡곤란증후군 환자들을 대상으로 한 열린 폐전략 하에서 NT-proBNP ratio 와 delta SOFA score 의 상관관계
박병훈, 정지예, 윤여운, 이경종, 강영애, 김세규, 문진욱, 장준, 박무석 (연세대학교 의과대학) |
FP-24 |
횡격막마비가 인공환기기 이탈에 미치는 영향
김원영, 윤지영, 홍상범, 고윤석, 임채만 (서울아산병원) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Coffee Break (Hall) |
April 25 (Saturday), 2009 (Day 2) |
제2 교육장 |
15:20 - 17:10 |
Joint Congress Free Paper III
Chairperson: Gee Young Suh (Sungkyunkwan University) , Kimitake Tajimi (Akita University) |
IS-19 |
Murata S, Yokoyama K, Sakamoto Y, Yamashita K, Oto J, Imanaka H, Nishimura M (The University of Tokushima Graduate School) |
IS-20 |
Ultrasonographic evaluation of diaphragmatic function in patients on weaning from mechanical ventilation
Wonyoung, Kim, Hangjae, Jang, Sangbum, Hong, Yunseok, Ko, Cheaman, Lim (Asan Medical Center) |
IS-21 |
Diagnostic utility of Pre-B-cell colony enhancing factor in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with acute lung injury
Kwangha Lee, M.D., Chae-Man Lim, M.D., Younsuck Koh, M.D., Sang-Bum Hong, M.D (Asan Medical Center) |
IS-22 |
Treatment of severe acute pancreatitis
Noriko Kadono1 Naoki Hara2 Mayumi Shiomi1 Tetsutaro Shinomura3 (Osaka Medical College1, Kouseikai Takeda Hospital2,Otsu Red Cross Hospital3) |
IS-23 |
You Hwan Jo, Kyuseok Kim, Joong Eui Rhee, Tae Yun Kim, Jin Hee Lee, In-Soo Cho, Yeoun Woo Nam (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) |
IS-24 |
Moritoki Egi1, Hiroshi Morimatsu1, Yuichiro Toda1, Tomoki Yamatsuji2, Naomoto Yoshio2, Hiroshi Katayama1, Masanao Yokoyama1, Hidekazu Arai3, Kiyoshi Morita1 (Okayama University Hospital1,2, The University of Shizuoka3) |
IS-25 |
Sauchinone, a lignan from Saururus chinensis, attenuates acute lung injury through the inhibition of the activation of c-raf, MEK, ERK 1/2 pathways
Hongbeom Bae, Mei Li, Seokjai Kim, Cheolwon Jeong, Sanghyun Kwak (Chonnam National University) |
IS-26 |
Kyuseok Kim, You Hwan Jo, Woon Yong Kwon, Tae Yun Kim, Jin Hee Lee, Joong Eui Rhee, Gil Joon Suh (Seoul National University) |
IS-27 |
ASATO M, SUZUKAWA M (Jichi Medical University) |
IS-28 |
In-Soo Cho, You Hwan Jo, Kyuseok Kim, Joong Eui Rhee, Tae Yun Kim, Jin Hee Lee, Yeoun Woo Nam (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital) |
IS-29 |
Humidification during HFOV is affected by ventilator circuit and ventilatory setting
Yusuke Chikata, Hideaki Imanaka, Yoshiaki Onishi, Masahiko Ueta, Masaji Nishimura (The University of Tokushima Graduate School) |